Friday, March 25, 2011

Fabulous Finds

Abacus Gallery calendar designs by Dana Heacock, a Maine artist with a very colorful, graphic style, are one of my favorite things! These calendars are made of individual prints featuring each month of the year as they would appear in New England. Each one is a work of art in and of itself.

Red Rocker by Dana Heacock 
Displayed individually, or in a grouping as I did in the installation below, makes for a powerful graphic statement on a kitchen wall. The design is so great, all that’s needed is a simply gallery frame to see the whole year at a colorful glance! 
Kitchen Calendar Installation

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Find Me on Facebook!

Dear blog fans, 
Patti Johnston Designs is on Facebook! Please friend PJD for updates, information, and photos! We’ll be updating the page alongside the blog and will feature lots of great information and inspiration. See you there!